
Thursday 4 June 2020

DFI Fifth Blog Post

Kia ora koutou,

Today's learning was all about collaborative sites.

We began by going into our Digital Bubbles and discussed what did and didn't work well from what we had learnt in last week's session.We had a good discussion about our class blogs and how to motivate the students. I also reflected on how I'm becoming more confident using Google Forms and Sheets.

Next we focused on the visibility aspect of the Manaiakalani Kaupapa which highlights the importance of  making teaching and learning visible. I agree that this transparency is a much healthier approach to teaching and learning in comparison to the way we used to teach and learn in N.Z. schools.  

We then looked at several ways in which this approach to visibility is being implemented including: Hapara Workspace, parent portals, class sites, the teaching as inquiry model and the use of Blogger. 

We then had a deep dive session looking at the benefits of multi-modal modes of communication, with a particular focus on the importance of cultivating a hook to engage students. Included in this was how the use of a class site can be an effective hook. I have found that having a fully operational class site has been an excellent way to engage the students and it is also a fantastic time-saver. 

Next we had a Hāpara Hot Tip about Blogger visibility with Hāpara dashboard and Blogger. I have realised I need to access these more regularly. 

We then looked at some multi-model learning sites from different teachers around the country which had several interesting ideas I will be able to incorporate into my own class sites. 

Next we looked at how to set up a class site using google Sites. I have already done this for my classes and am regularly adapting/improving them.

We were then introduced to the concept of  a multi-text database which contains shared information from teachers around the country. 

After that we chose a group, searched for resources about Matariki, put them on a shared document and then created our own class site for this topic. I managed to get the basics done. Here is the link to the site:

We then shared the links to our sites on a shared document. 

Although I had already created my class sites this was a very good refresher course which will come in handy for updating my class site as well as creating other sites in the future. 

We ended the day by looking at using social sharing buttons in Blogger. 

Again it was a day of learning with a lot of very useful information to absorb. It was great to have the opportunity to put this learning into practise with the help of coaches along the way.

Ka kite anō.



  1. Kia ora Sean,
    Glad you found the learning about sites so useful.
    Your site about Matariki looks like a goods start. Do you plan to use this with your learners? You could link it from your existing school site.
    Ngā mihi nui,

  2. Kia ora Sean,
    As Maria said, I'm glad you have found continuing to learn about sites useful. Did you know you can embed YouTube clips directly into your site? It can be a useful way of learners accessing videos, without going down the rabbit hole that is Youtube!
    Ngā mihi
