
Friday, 14 February 2025

Thurs 14th Feb 2025

Day 1 Reading Practice Intensive

We began the day with introductions and an overview of the course. I'm looking forward to learning new strategies and skills to help with my students' literacy.

Dorothy then took us through the Manaiakalani Kaupapa and Shared Pedagogy in the context of reading. This was very eye-opening and informative. 

Naomi then helped us to create a profile of a good reader:

  • Can actively comprehend a diverse range of texts
  • Use strategies
  • Read to learn-acquire world and word knowledge
  • Read to learn in academic disciplines
  • Grow in self efficacy
  • Enjoy reading
  • Participate in community
  • Reads widely

I will make an effort to regularly include these approaches in my prep and teaching. 

We then went to our breakout groups and did a Canva on how we track reader profile information. 

I'd like to add some new ways to track reader progress.

We then focussed on 'Reading Widely' with Janet. This included completing a reader profile survey and reading some responses to a year 10 survey. There was then a discussion about thoughts on these. The year 10 survey results were markedly different to the results I get from my classes as most of my students do not like reading. 

After a break Naomi introduced 'Reading Across the Curriculum'. We watched a video from Soana Pamaka (Principal at Tamaki college) about planning for reading across the curriculum which included cross-department planning, targeting students and the importance of literacy in success in all subject areas. Our college currently does include cross-curricular planning. This is still very much a new concept for us and we are learning as we go!

Naomi then looked at reading across the curriculum in more detail. This included:
  • Core Curriculum Content Reading:
  • Tiered levels of vocabulary
  • Reinforcing new learning with a variety of texts and activities
We then commented on a survey:

These are great ideas to increase student engagement in reading. I particularly like the idea of reading challenge activities. 

Next, Kiri introduced 'The Importance of Discussion About Text'. Creating the right environment is crucial in enabling this to be effective:

We then watched a video on establishing ground rules in the classroom. The teacher's strategy was excellent-making a game with rules really helped the students to engage in discussion.

We then had a group discussion about some survey results and then rated ourselves as a group on our discussion skills:

There were some good ideas that would work well in class.

Next, Naomi introduced the topic of 'How to Grow Good Readers'. Here are the pillars of practice:

We then reflected on our own strengths and goals for the first two pillars:

The next focus was on teaching vocabulary. key points:
  • Must be robust-interactive and focusing on vocabulary tiers 2 and 3, being word conscious.
  • A focus on comprehension
  • A focus on discussion
We then looked at Reading-Writing links and then sharing with audiences.

Obviously all of these pillars are important in teaching reading and should be regularly reflected on.

We then reflected on our own strengths and weaknesses for pillars 3,4 and 5:

After lunch we chose  text to read and then summarized our findings on Canva. We then chose a quote from a professional reading text and reported back to our breakout group, explaining the quote in our own words. I chose the quote, ' Students' self-concepts and the value they place on reading are critical to their success' and talked about how students need to be able to reflect on their reading so that they can see their progress and this in turn helps with their motivation. 

Naomi then gave us a summary of today's learning. The Kākāpō Week 3 Task Board reminded me of my class sites when I used to teach years 7 and 8. In regards to Hapara Workspace, I use these regularly with all of my years 9-12 classes.

We have covered a lot of ground today. I'm looking forward to implementing some of these ideas into my teaching and will start with the 'homework' activities we have been given. 

Ngā mihi


1 comment:

  1. HI Sean, you certainly made some excellent notes on the day. The cross curricula planning space is certainly a new concept for most of the secondary teachers we work with, it's all go at Ōtaki college though esp. in that humanities space. I look forward to seeing what your students make of the survey results, as you mentioned I think your students are going to be quite different from the set of data that we used as an example. Hopefully we will be able to shift some of this by the end of the RPI! I am really interested in hearing the pieces you mentioned that you plan to implement in your classroom. What ideas in the discussion space do you think would work well in your class in particular? The reading challenge activities are a great resource. Which one do you think you might use first in you programme? Thanks again for such a great reflection on Day 1. Looking forward to meeting up next time
