
Friday, 14 February 2025

Thurs 14th Feb 2025

Day 1 Reading Practice Intensive

We began the day with introductions and an overview of the course. I'm looking forward to learning new strategies and skills to help with my students' literacy.

Dorothy then took us through the Manaiakalani Kaupapa and Shared Pedagogy in the context of reading. This was very eye-opening and informative. 

Naomi then helped us to create a profile of a good reader:

  • Can actively comprehend a diverse range of texts
  • Use strategies
  • Read to learn-acquire world and word knowledge
  • Read to learn in academic disciplines
  • Grow in self efficacy
  • Enjoy reading
  • Participate in community
  • Reads widely

I will make an effort to regularly include these approaches in my prep and teaching. 

We then went to our breakout groups and did a Canva on how we track reader profile information. 

I'd like to add some new ways to track reader progress.

We then focussed on 'Reading Widely' with Janet. This included completing a reader profile survey and reading some responses to a year 10 survey. There was then a discussion about thoughts on these. The year 10 survey results were markedly different to the results I get from my classes as most of my students do not like reading. 

After a break Naomi introduced 'Reading Across the Curriculum'. We watched a video from Soana Pamaka (Principal at Tamaki college) about planning for reading across the curriculum which included cross-department planning, targeting students and the importance of literacy in success in all subject areas. Our college currently does include cross-curricular planning. This is still very much a new concept for us and we are learning as we go!

Naomi then looked at reading across the curriculum in more detail. This included:
  • Core Curriculum Content Reading:
  • Tiered levels of vocabulary
  • Reinforcing new learning with a variety of texts and activities
We then commented on a survey:

These are great ideas to increase student engagement in reading. I particularly like the idea of reading challenge activities. 

Next, Kiri introduced 'The Importance of Discussion About Text'. Creating the right environment is crucial in enabling this to be effective:

We then watched a video on establishing ground rules in the classroom. The teacher's strategy was excellent-making a game with rules really helped the students to engage in discussion.

We then had a group discussion about some survey results and then rated ourselves as a group on our discussion skills:

There were some good ideas that would work well in class.

Next, Naomi introduced the topic of 'How to Grow Good Readers'. Here are the pillars of practice:

We then reflected on our own strengths and goals for the first two pillars:

The next focus was on teaching vocabulary. key points:
  • Must be robust-interactive and focusing on vocabulary tiers 2 and 3, being word conscious.
  • A focus on comprehension
  • A focus on discussion
We then looked at Reading-Writing links and then sharing with audiences.

Obviously all of these pillars are important in teaching reading and should be regularly reflected on.

We then reflected on our own strengths and weaknesses for pillars 3,4 and 5:

After lunch we chose  text to read and then summarized our findings on Canva. We then chose a quote from a professional reading text and reported back to our breakout group, explaining the quote in our own words. I chose the quote, ' Students' self-concepts and the value they place on reading are critical to their success' and talked about how students need to be able to reflect on their reading so that they can see their progress and this in turn helps with their motivation. 

Naomi then gave us a summary of today's learning. The Kākāpō Week 3 Task Board reminded me of my class sites when I used to teach years 7 and 8. In regards to Hapara Workspace, I use these regularly with all of my years 9-12 classes.

We have covered a lot of ground today. I'm looking forward to implementing some of these ideas into my teaching and will start with the 'homework' activities we have been given. 

Ngā mihi


Thursday, 2 July 2020

DFI Ninth Blog Post

Kia ora koutou,

Today's learning was all about revision.
We began the day with going to our bubbles and discussed what did and didn't work well from last week's learning. I reflected on how I'm feeling more confident with coding and how I think my students will engage and benefit from coding-based activities.

Next we looked at the kaupapa of ubiquitous learning, that of: 'life-long learning anywhere, anytime, at any pace, from anyone'. This is made even more possible with the option of 'rewindable learning'. It is important to remember that technology is not just a tool, it 'enables removal of barriers and previously inconceivable solutions to problems'.

We then had filled out a form in order to give feedback to the Manaiakalani Education Trust as the MET has enabled this DFI experience for us and they are very interested in hearing our reflections.

Next we had a break where we could get support for the Google Certified Educator Level 1 exam. I sat the exam on Sunday (and passed) so I used this time to reflect on the DFI course and what aspects of the course I'm most keen on introducing to my classroom.

We were then given three hours to complete the Google Certified Educator Level 1 exam. As previously mentioned, I sat the exam on Sunday and passed so used this time to write this blog as well as to start my lesson planning for next term-bearing in mind the multitude of valuable things I've learnt during this course. 

After a lunch break it was time to bling our blogs! I added the newly-earned badge and certificate to my blog (see above and below):

Next we spent time think about how we will use Blog moving forward including setting it up to reflect our personal ‘style’. We then checked our labels and STPs.

We finished the day with a half hour 'DFI Slam'-with some extra tips, tools and tricks to take away with us. There's some wonderful links there and I'm especially excited about 'Body Synth', 'Brush Ninja', 'Conducting an AI Orchestra', 'Turning Art into Music', 'Google Arts and Culture' and 'Kupu', to name but a few. 

This course has certainly been a challenge as there was so much to learn! However, thanks to the great tutors during the course, as well as the ongoing support I receive at Ōtaki College thanks to the fabulous Manaiakalani facilitators Vicky and Makaore, not to mention the fact we have access to the DFI course's valuable resources in the form of rewindable learning, I feel much more confident about further implementing Manaiakalani's kaupapa of learn/create/share and Google's apps and extensions into my pedagogy.

Another notable idea I will take away from this course is how important it is to remember that our tamariki learn in different ways and that the Manaiakalani kaupapa of learn/create/share, combined with the effective use of Google apps and extensions is a perfect platform/environment for differentiated teaching and learning. 

Ka kite āno,


Thursday, 25 June 2020

DFI Eighth Blog Post

Kia ora koutou,

Today's learning was all about  Computational Thinking. 

We began the day with going to our bubbles and discussed what did and didn't work well from last week's learning. It was heartening to hear everyone is feeling much more digitally fluent! I reflected on how I'm feeling more confident with Chromebook shortcuts and and how my students are now getting into the routine of using our class site.

Next we looked at the kaupapa of empowerment which is about the advancing of Rangatiratanga- and their taking back control of their lives. The use of technology enables students to enter and explore new learning environments which is obviously empowering!

We then had an in depth look at computational thinking. This included the concepts of being digitally fluent and capable, how computational thinking can be applied to different technology strands, the difference between computational thinking and designing and developing digital outcomes, and digital technology and computational thinking progress outcomes. Manaiakalani is currently in the process of mapping the Cybersmart curriculum to the new Digital technologies Curriculum. 

After a break we were given an introduction to the future of technology and what it means to our tamariki. This was fascinating and included an overview of exciting new innovations and technologies. We then considered how the ethics and morals associated with new innovations and technologies must be considered-thought-provoking to say the least! We then looked at different scenarios related to 'driver-less' cars which was a great example of the ethics and morals intrinsically linked to new innovations and technologies. 

We then went to our 'bubbles' and explores some sites related to the the new digital technologies curriculum.

After that we were given some background to our upcoming exam, including registration for it. 

Next we explored opportunities for us to give coding a go or extending our current knowledge. I had a play with 'Scratch', the cat. My students will love this, as well as the many of the other coding options. This is a great site  free, short coding courses.

We then chose a breakout group to create a task and I chose 'Mihi Maker'. It's a fun little game that animates your Pepeha! You can make the dude walk by pressing the right arrow on your keyboard, or hold the arrow down to make him run. Of course the up arrow makes him jump if you're in the mood for a bit of leaping. Here it is:

We finished the day by with some blogging tips which included a blog checklist and how to share your blog on social media. 

It's been another productive/informative day here on the DFI course, my favourite parts being the 'Mihi Maker' (which I'll be using with my class) and thinking about the ethics and morals in regards to new innovations and technologies. 

Ka kite anō,


Thursday, 18 June 2020

DFI Seventh Blog Post

Kia ora koutou,

Today's learning was all about devices. 

We began the day with looking at the 'empowerment' aspect of the Manaiakalni kaupapa and the concept of being cyber-smart. Three important categories of this that are revisited regularly are: Smart Learners (learn), Smart Footprint (create) and Smart Relationships (share). Blogging is obviously an ideal process in which to incorporate these key concepts. The main objective of empowering is to enable learners to become 'confident, connected, actively involved life-long learners'.

Next we went  into our Digital Bubbles and discussed what did and didn't work well from last week's learning. It was heartening to see the progress others' have made on their sites. I reflected on how it was great to spend more time (during the DFI session) adding to my class site and getting ideas from others’ sites. 

We then had an in depth look at the Hapara Teacher Dashboard. Although I was already aware of the features we explored it was an excellent refresher! After that we looked at Hapara Dashboard. I wasn't aware of the guided reading function which is a handy feature. 

Next we had an introduction to devices. This included looking at enabling learners to participate, making sure they are protected, providing the very best device for learning, and the importance of teachers and students being fluent in the use of these devices. 

We then went to our bubbles and completed activities on a digital digs presentation.

After that we explored the use of iPads and had several tasks to complete. My school is chromebook-based but it was interesting to have a glimpse into the iPad world. 

Next we had a session we we could choose between three activities. I chose to create a screencastify as I've never done this before and it's an excellent tool which I'm sure I can use regularly on my class site. After a couple of teething issues I managed to complete my first screencastify.

Next time I'll try using the pen and the focus mouse. 

We finished the day by looking at how to embed a video into a blog and I embedded the  screencastify I did today (see above). 

It's been another productive/informative day here on the DFI course and I'm excited about now feeling confident using screencastify as well as being more familiar with shortcut keys on a chromebook. 

Ka kite anō,


Thursday, 11 June 2020

DFI Sixth Blog Post

Kia ora koutou,

Today's learning was all about enabling access-sites.

We began by going into our Digital Bubbles and discussed what did and didn't work well from last week's learning. I reflected on how I'm feeling more confident creating and using Google Sites.

Next we focused on the 'connect' aspect of the Manaiakalani Kaupapa which highlights the importance of connectivity in peoples' well-being. Thankfully, during our recent lockdown due to Covid-19, we were easily able to stay connected due to the internet which enabled us to have meetings with our students, our colleagues, family and friends. I know that it was vital for the well-being of my students that attended our online meetings and lessons and it was really obvious when we returned to school as the students who had attended the meetings seemed more connected with each other.

It is important to note that the connect aspect of the Manaiakalani Kaupapa is intrinsically related to three other elements-those of being: ubiquitous, empowered and visible.

We then had a chalk 'n talk which looked at important aspects of visible learning sites. These included the use of  visible planning and teaching and rewindable learning. We were then given tips on effective ways to present our learning sites.These included consistency through all year groups, theme, layout fonts, functionality and access (the three click rule).

After that we had a deep dive exploring a selection of class sites, looking at two key criteria-visual appeal and user experience.

Next we went back to our bubbles to look at each others' class sites and offer feedback. Some of the sites were incredible and had lots of great ideas I can incorporate into my own sites. The main thing I'm keen on doing is creating buttons that link to scaffolded levels of work for Reading, Writing and Maths. 

We then created goals for our class sites to work on today and spent time working on them. I wanted to add more content to the Reading section of my class site so added buttons for our Reading Groups, Education Perfect, Write that essay, Steps and Audio-books. My next step will be to add the daily and weekly learning activities to this page. I haven't quite figured out the best format to use for this but am getting ideas from other peoples' sites.

We finished the day getting some hot tips about the Hāpara Sharing Tab as well as adding a Side Bar Gadget to Blogs.

It's been another productive/informative day here on the DFI course. I found exploring other peoples' class sites to be extremely valuable. They have given me plenty of ideas and I shall be spending more time exploring these sites, implementing the ideas into my own sites. 

Ka kite anō


Thursday, 4 June 2020

DFI Fifth Blog Post

Kia ora koutou,

Today's learning was all about collaborative sites.

We began by going into our Digital Bubbles and discussed what did and didn't work well from what we had learnt in last week's session.We had a good discussion about our class blogs and how to motivate the students. I also reflected on how I'm becoming more confident using Google Forms and Sheets.

Next we focused on the visibility aspect of the Manaiakalani Kaupapa which highlights the importance of  making teaching and learning visible. I agree that this transparency is a much healthier approach to teaching and learning in comparison to the way we used to teach and learn in N.Z. schools.  

We then looked at several ways in which this approach to visibility is being implemented including: Hapara Workspace, parent portals, class sites, the teaching as inquiry model and the use of Blogger. 

We then had a deep dive session looking at the benefits of multi-modal modes of communication, with a particular focus on the importance of cultivating a hook to engage students. Included in this was how the use of a class site can be an effective hook. I have found that having a fully operational class site has been an excellent way to engage the students and it is also a fantastic time-saver. 

Next we had a Hāpara Hot Tip about Blogger visibility with Hāpara dashboard and Blogger. I have realised I need to access these more regularly. 

We then looked at some multi-model learning sites from different teachers around the country which had several interesting ideas I will be able to incorporate into my own class sites. 

Next we looked at how to set up a class site using google Sites. I have already done this for my classes and am regularly adapting/improving them.

We were then introduced to the concept of  a multi-text database which contains shared information from teachers around the country. 

After that we chose a group, searched for resources about Matariki, put them on a shared document and then created our own class site for this topic. I managed to get the basics done. Here is the link to the site:

We then shared the links to our sites on a shared document. 

Although I had already created my class sites this was a very good refresher course which will come in handy for updating my class site as well as creating other sites in the future. 

We ended the day by looking at using social sharing buttons in Blogger. 

Again it was a day of learning with a lot of very useful information to absorb. It was great to have the opportunity to put this learning into practise with the help of coaches along the way.

Ka kite anō.


Thursday, 28 May 2020

DFI Fourth Blog Post

Kia ora koutou,

Today's learning was all about dealing with data including forms, spreadsheets and maps.

We began by going into our Digital Bubbles and discussed what did and didn't work well from what we had learnt in last week's session. No-one had any problems but the common theme was needing to spend more time practising things newly learnt. I reflected on how I'm becoming more confident using Slides and Draw.

Next we focused on the 'Share/Tohatoha' aspect of the Manaiakalani Pedagogy including how 
working with learners to establish an authentic audience for their learning outcomes is a key component of Manaiakalani's pedagogy. Obviously the concept of sharing is an age-old concept which continues today but the main difference with today's sharing is that it can be easily be done globally. 

Manaiakalani chose Blogger as its platform to share for several reasons, including that it provides the opportunity to share with an authentic audience as well as being an effective way to learn.

We then had a quick 'Hapara Hot Tips' session. During this I learnt how to use the search function, set up groups, list alphabetically and how to click and drag to put students' names in a different order. I can already use Hapara adequately but these tips are going to come in handy.

Next we focused on creating Google Forms. I actually had a play with this a couple of weeks ago and created my first form as a survey for my Homeroom class. There was much information in today's session, which moved at a fast pace, so I'm going to have to 're-wind' to learn more skills!

We then went to our 'bubbles' and completed a form, including uploading a photo. We also created a form with five different question types and shared this via a hyperlink.

We then had a 'deep dive' looking into using Google My Maps after which we moved back to our 'bubbles' to create our own map: as well as importing spreadsheet information to a map. I can see how this tool will be a fun learning tool in the classroom!

After this we imported information from a spreadsheet which looked like this:

I have used this fun tool in the classroom in the past but I can see how being more proficient at using it will add more depth for learning in the classroom.

Next we had a 'deep dive' looking at some features of sheets that are useful for school. This session contained much information and went at a rapid pace so I'm going to have to 're-wind' this session as well. I know a little about using sheets but learning a lot more is going to make the admin side of things much more efficient!

We then had a play with sheets including creating averages and graphs:
Class Test Data
This is going to be a valuable tool to use in evaluating student progress and areas of concern.

Our next focus session was on analysing data from a students' blogs. Under the 'Stats' section of Blogger there is all sorts of useful information pertaining to the blogs.

Next we went to our 'bubbles' to add data from a student blog to a sheet:

We finished off the day by looking at some blogging tips including how to add labels.

It's been another fun and informative day with a substantial amount of information to process. Thank goodness for rewindable learning!

Ka kite ano,
